The next wisdom behind tests and difficulties is that they encourage muslims to adopt true sincerity in their actions, meaning, to only perform righteous deeds in order to please Allah, the Exalted. A Muslim experiencing difficulties understands that the only One who can aid them in their moment of need is Allah, the Exalted, and He will only respond to them when they possess sincerity. Chapter 6 Al An’am, verse 17:

“And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. And if He touches you with good – then He is over all things competent.”

In fact, even many non-muslims supplicate sincerely to Allah, the Exalted, when they face dire circumstances. Chapter 29 Al Ankabut, verse 65:

“And when they board a ship, they supplicate Allah, sincere to Him in religion [i.e., faith and hope]. But when He delivers them to the land, at once they associate others with Him.”

A Muslim is truly blessed if they can maintain this sincerity in all their actions as it is the foundation of all good. It is vital to remember that the one who acts in order to please others will be told to gain their reward from those who they acted for on the Day of Judgment, which will not be possible. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3154. So a test and difficulty can prevent this from occurring to a muslim as it encourages them towards sincerity.

The next benefit of tests and difficulties is that they cause a Muslim to return to Allah, the Exalted, through sincere repentance knowing He alone can forgive them and thus remove their difficulty. It is commonly known that Allah, the Exalted, forgives the one who turns to Him in sincere repentance.

The conditions for sincere repentance include: being remorseful, asking for forgiveness from Allah, the Exalted, and anyone else who was wronged, promising not to return to the sin and making up for any rights which were violated in respect to Allah, the Exalted, and people.

A test or difficulty which drives one to sincere repentance is in fact a great blessing as it may well be the cause of their salvation on Judgement Day. Conversely, the one who fails to understand this particular wisdom behind the test or difficulty they are facing will not sincerely repent. This behaviour will only take them closer to Hell. For example, the one who fails to seek forgiveness from those they have wronged will face justice on Judgement Day. Their victims will be given their good deeds and if necessary they will be given the sins of their victims until justice is established. This may well cause them to be hurled into Hell. This has been warned in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 6579.

PodSeries: Benefits of Tests & Trials – Part 2: https://youtu.be/KumbpV_243c

PodSeries: Benefits of Tests & Trials – Part 2: https://fb.watch/3DBzY7YDPF/

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