The next wisdom behind tests and difficulties is that they are a means to erasing one’s sins. In cases where one either fails to sincerely repent or fails to perform enough righteous deeds to erase their minor sins, tests and difficulties are a means of purification. This has been confirmed in many Hadiths such as the one found in Sahih Bukhari, number 5640, which advises that every calamity or difficulty a muslim faces with patience leads to their sins being erased even if the difficulty is as small as being pricked by a thorn. In addition, in the case where one must face the consequences of their sins they would rather face them in this world than in the next. Difficulties in this world are insignificant compared to the hardships of the hereafter. Therefore, a muslim should firstly avoid all types of sins and if they occur they should sincerely repent from them. If they face difficulties they should remain patient and accept that it might be a means of purification from their sins, which is far better than being purified from sins through the fire of Hell in the next world.

The next wisdom behind tests and difficulties is that they can inspire muslims to empathise for others who are also facing difficulties. This can encourage them to help others according to their means. It is easier to appreciate someone else’s difficulties when one is in the same boat as them meaning, when they are also facing difficulties. It is easily understood that the one who has not felt real hunger is less likely to help those suffering from hunger. So in this respect, a test and difficulty can lead one to helping others, which is a great deed they could have missed out on if they did not face difficulties themself.

This is connected to the next wisdom behind difficulties and tests, namely an opportunity for the muslims who are not facing difficulties to help those who are. If the needy did not exist then how could other muslims gain countless rewards by helping them? Therefore, muslims should always strive to help others in difficulties so that they gain the support of Allah, the Exalted, in all their affairs and difficulties. This has been advised in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 225.

PodSeries: Benefits of Tests & Trials – Part 6: https://youtu.be/YOpYc0LsQTE

PodSeries: Benefits of Tests & Trials – Part 6: https://fb.watch/3Kw8S6GJhV/

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