“O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous. [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you… Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verses 21-22.

The first thing to note is that Allah, the Exalted, has clearly connected being righteous with physically worshipping and obeying Him. This means it is not enough to declare Islam verbally and not practically demonstrate it through actions. The other thing to note is that a muslim cannot correctly worship Allah, the Exalted, without knowledge and a guide. The knowledge is contained within the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the guide is the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Chapter 3 Alee Imran, verse 31:

“Say, [O Muḥammad], “If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins…”

Both these verses remind muslims that Allah, the Exalted, is the sole Creator and Sustainer of the entire creation. Therefore, He deserves sincere obedience through fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and by facing destiny with patience. Society deems it unacceptable not to show gratitude to a person after they have favoured someone then how can muslims not show true gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, after He provided them with countless blessings? True gratitude is shown through one’s actions by using each blessing according to the teachings of Islam. It is not only shown through one’s speech.

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 26: https://youtu.be/CAzJAYn_2dw

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 26: https://fb.watch/3WdEKXLGQe/

#Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Baqarah #Tafseer #Knowledge #Piety #Taqwa  #Gratitude #Shukr  

Published by ShaykhPod

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