“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down [i.e., the Quran] upon Our Servant [i.e., Prophet Muhammad (SAW)], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses [i.e., supporters] other than Allah, if you should be truthful. But if you do not – and you will never be able to – then fear the Fire, whose fuel is people and stones…” Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verses 23-24.

Many verses of the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, discuss the widely known aspects of Hell so they will not be discussed here. But the thing to remember is that in reality each person who will end up in Hell takes the fire, which they will encounter in Hell, with them from this world in the form of their sins. When a muslim engraves this reality into their mind they will observe each sin, major or minor, as a piece of unbearable fire. The same way a person avoids fire in this world they should avoid sins as in reality sins are like hidden fire which will be shown to them in the hereafter.

In addition, a muslim should not live in heedlessness and believe they can simply claim love for Allah, the Exalted, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, without supporting this verbal declaration with actions. If this was true then the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, would not have strived so hard in the obedience of Allah, the Exalted, and they undoubtedly understood Islam and Judgment Day better than the people after them. Simply put, a declaration of love without actions will not save one from Hell. In fact, it has been made clear that some muslims will enter Hell on Judgment Day. The muslim who abandons acting on Islamic teachings should understand that their attitude may cause them to lose their faith before their death so that they enter Judgment Day as a non-muslim, which is the greatest loss.

The same way one would not enter a battle without armour and a shield a muslim should not enter Judgment Day without the armour and shield of righteous deeds.  Otherwise, the same way the soldier who has no protection will most likely be harmed so will a muslim who reaches Judgment Day without the protection provided by the obedience of Allah, the Exalted, which involves fulfilling the commands of Allah, the Exalted, refraining from His prohibitions and by facing destiny with patience. A muslim should remember that the luxuries and pleasures of the material world will not make them feel better if they end up in Hell. In fact, it will only make them feel worse.

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 30: https://youtu.be/9XqxmVWjM-A

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 30: https://fb.watch/3YyTsO_tdg/

#Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Baqarah #Tafseer #Knowledge #Hell    

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