I had a thought which I wanted to share. I was pondering over the behaviour of some who always strive to extract their full rights and more from others. In this day and age due to ignorance it has become more difficult to fulfil the rights of people, such as one’s parents. Even though a muslim has no excuse but to strive to fulfil them it is important for muslims to be merciful with each other. As advised by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 6655, Allah, the Exalted, shows mercy to those who are merciful to others.

One aspect of this mercy is for a muslim not to demand their full rights from others. Instead, they should use the means such as their physical or financial strength to help themself and make things easy for others. In some cases, when a muslim demands their full rights from others and they fail to fulfil them it may lead to their punishment. In order to be merciful to others they should therefore only demand their rights in some cases. This does not mean a muslim should not strive to fulfil the rights of others but it means they should try to overlook and excuse the people they have rights over. For example, a parent can excuse their adult child from a particular house chore and do it themself if they possess the means to do so without troubling themself, especially if they child returns home from work exhausted. This leniency and mercy will not only cause Allah, to Exalted, to be more merciful to them but it will also increase the love and respect people have for them. The one who always demands their full rights is not a sinner but they will lose out on this reward and outcome if they behave in this manner.

Muslims should make things easy for others and hope Allah, the Exalted, will make things easy for them in this world and in the next.

PodThought: Make Things Easy: https://youtu.be/aDM8Lf8YoLg

PodThought: Make Things Easy: https://fb.watch/54-b5oQItu/

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