“Then Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful.” Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 37.

This verse also reminds muslims that if they struggle to obey Allah, the Exalted, with a sincere intention namely, to please Allah, the Exalted, then He will bestow them with the blessings required to gain success in both worldly and religious matters. But the foundation of this is a sincere intention, which is in fact the foundation of Islam. This has been indicated in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 1. It advises that all actions are judged based on intention. The Holy Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, sincerely sought the pleasure of Allah, the Exalted, and was granted it. This truth has been advised in chapter 29 Al Ankabut, verse 69:

“And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways…”

It is important to note, as indicated by this verse Allah, the Exalted, does not demand perfection from people. He only desires one’s sincere intention and proving this through actions based on the teachings of Islam. If one does this they will be granted right guidance and success even if they make mistakes along the way. So a muslim should never give up hope irrespective of their past as long as they act on these teachings.

Allah, the Exalted, is the Most Merciful according to His infinite status. This attribute means that Allah, the Exalted, bestows countless favours on the creation and is always extremely kind to them. This same characteristic has been attributed to others such as the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Chapter 9 At Tawbah, verse 128:

“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.”

When used in reference to the creation merciful means soft-hearted and compassionate. In order for one to adopt noble character they must learn the divine attributes and names of Allah, the Exalted, so that they can adopt each attribute into their character according to their status and the teachings of Islam.

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 58: https://youtu.be/1MI_kkkUafI

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 58: https://fb.watch/4BnRHIUBX2/

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