In a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1993, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised that whoever avoids arguing even if they are right will be given a house in the middle of Paradise.

It is important to understand that the characteristic of a true muslim is not to argue or debate in order to promote themself and their opinion. They should instead present the information in order to promote the truth. This applies to both worldly and religious matters. The one who aims to promote the truth will not argue. Only the one who is trying to promote themself will. Contrary to what many believe winning arguments does not increase one’s rank in anyway. The only time ones rank in both worlds increases is when one avoids arguing and instead presents the truth or accepts it when it is presented to them. A muslim should avoid going back and forth with others when discussing things as this is a characteristic of arguing. It is this correct mentality which has been indicated in Chapter 16 An Nahl, verse 125:

“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best…”

A muslim should understand that their duty is not to force people to accept something. Their duty is to simply present the truth as being forceful is a characteristic of arguing.

A muslim should not waste their time nor stress if others disagree with their opinion. When one holds onto these disagreements over time it can cause enmity to build up between them and others, which can lead to fractured and broken relationships. This can even lead to the sin of severing ties with people. So in cases like this it is important for muslims to let things go and not harbour a negative feeling towards someone who disagrees with their opinion and choice. They should instead push themself to agree to disagree and move on from the situation without any ill feelings. The one who fails to do this will find themself always arguing and possessing enmity for others as they are bound to disagree with others on certain topics and issues due to the difference in their characteristics and mentality. Understanding this principle is a branch of finding peace in this world.

PodHadith: Arguing: https://youtu.be/kdUKYmifvfo

PodHadith: Arguing: https://fb.watch/65SBibS0Q-/

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