The next divine name is Al Qabid Al Basit, which means the One who contracts and expands. It can mean that Allah, the Exalted, is the only One who contracts the life and provision of someone through tests and trials. And He is the only One who can expand these things through divine blessings and relief from difficulties. In each case, Allah, the Exalted, provides His servants with what is best for them. For example, the faith of some will only remain strong if their lives are contracted for if they reached a time of expansion they would step out of bounds which would lead them to Hell. Conversely, the faith of some will only remain strong if they experience expansion in life as difficulties can cause their faith to be shaken which causes impatience and can lead them to Hell. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 216:

“…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.”

Therefore, the muslim who understands this divine name will be grateful for whatever situation they are experiencing knowing it is best for them and in each case they will adhere to the obedience of Allah, the Exalted. During times of contraction they will remain patient and in times of expansion they will remain grateful by using the blessings they possess in ways pleasing to Allah, the Exalted.

One should act on this divine name by contracting away from all the things which displease Allah, the Exalted, and expand their efforts towards the things which please Allah, the Exalted.

The next divine name is Al Hafeed Al Rafee, which means the Abaser and the Exalter. Allah, the Exalted, is the One who abases those who disobey Him. Even if a disobedient person gains some worldly success it will ultimately become a curse and source of their depression and misery in both worlds. Allah, the Exalted, is the One who exalts those who obey Him. Even if an obedient muslim faces trials and difficulties in the world they will ultimately be Exalted by Allah, the Exalted, in both worlds.

A muslim who understands this divine name will therefore not seek worldly success by pleasing the creation or through worldly things if it leads to the disobedience of Allah, the Exalted, as they know this path only leads to ultimate abasement and disgrace in both worlds.

A muslim must act on this divine name by praising the things which Allah, the Exalted, has raised and disliking the things which Allah, the Exalted, has abased. This must be shown through actions not just words. For example, they must praise the hereafter by actively striving to prepare for it. And they must dislike the excess of this material world knowing Allah, the Exalted, has dispraised it as it prevents a muslim from adequately preparing for the hereafter.   

PodSeries: Allah’s (SWT) Beautiful Names – Part 13: https://youtu.be/LGNV3SmNr9I

PodSeries: Allah’s (SWT) Beautiful Names – Part 13: https://fb.watch/5oVYgSQ1tC/

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