The next divine name is Al Haleem, which means the Lenient. Allah, the Exalted, does not hasten the punishment for the one who deserves it out of leniency. Instead He gives them an opportunity to sincerely repent and rectify their behaviour. The muslim who understands this will never give up hope in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, but they will also not cross the limits and adopt wishful thinking by believing Allah, the Exalted, will never punish them. They understand that punishment is only delayed not abandoned unless they sincerely repent. So this divine name creates hope and fear in a muslim. A muslim should use this delay in order to repent and hasten towards good deeds.

A muslim should act on this divine name by being lenient with people especially, when they demonstrate bad character. They should show leniency towards others just as they desire Allah, the Exalted, to be lenient with them in their moments of heedlessness. But at the same time they should not be lenient with their own bad characteristics knowing that punishment for sins is delayed not permanently abandoned until they sincerely repent. They should also remain steadfast in leniency by replying evil with good according to the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

The next divine name is Al Azeem, which means the Tremendous. Allah, the Exalted, is tremendous in attributes and essence beyond the perception and understanding of all.

The one who understands this divine name will observe all things which are not connected to Allah, the Exalted, as small and insignificant. The commands and prohibitions of Allah, the Exalted, will be tremendous in their sight so they hasten in obedience to Allah, the Exalted, by fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience while putting aside all things which can hinder them in this task.

A muslim should act on this divine name by adopting humility as all are humbled before the greatness of Allah, the Exalted. They should demonstrate humility towards Allah, the Exalted, and towards the creation without showing signs of weakness. In fact, according to a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2029, whoever humbles themself for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, will be raised by Him. A muslim should also make their aspirations tremendous by only acting for the pleasure of Allah, the Exalted, and nothing else so that they reach a tremendous station in the presence of an Omnipotent King. Chapter 54 Al Qamar, verse 55:

“In a seat of honour near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.”

PodSeries: Allah’s (SWT) Beautiful Names – Part 16: https://youtu.be/7_KBnqeGtQg

PodSeries: Allah’s (SWT) Beautiful Names – Part 16: https://fb.watch/5ubvd9w3Rb/

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