The last blog was discussing a divine Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 7405.  The next thing mentioned in this Hadith is that Allah, the Exalted, declares that He is with anyone who remembers Him.

With the rise of mental problems and disorders, such as depression, it is vital for muslims to understand the importance of this declaration. There is a small chance of a person experiencing a mental issue when they are constantly surrounded and aided by someone that truly loves them. If this is true for a person it is undoubtedly more befitting for Allah, the Exalted, who has promised to be with the one who remembers Him. Acting on this declaration alone would eliminate all mental issues, such as depression. It is the reason why being secluded from others or being amongst others did not affect the mental state of the righteous predecessors as they were always in the company of Allah, the Exalted. It is obvious that when one obtains the company of Allah, the Exalted, they will overcome all obstacles and difficulties successfully until they reach His proximity in the hereafter.

In addition, out of His infinite mercy Allah, the Exalted, has not restricted this declaration in anyway. For example, He did not declare He was only with the righteous or with those who perform specific good deeds. He in fact  encompassed  every muslim irrespective of the strength of their faith or how many sins they have committed. So a muslim should never lose hope in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted. But it is important to note the condition which is to remember Allah, the Exalted. This is not only remembering Him with one’s tongue but more importantly it is to remember Him through one’s actions. This is only achieved by fulfilling the commands of Allah, the Exalted, refraining from His prohibitions and by facing destiny with patience. This is the true remembrance of Allah, the Exalted. The one who behaves in such a manner will be blessed with the company and support of Allah, the Exalted.

Simply put, the more one obeys Allah, the Exalted, the more they will receive His company. What one gives is what they shall receive.

PodHadith: Company of Allah (SWT) – Part 2: https://youtu.be/d58BYY0pIks

PodHadith: Company of Allah (SWT) – Part 2: https://fb.watch/4X-S-h52kT/

#Allah #ShaykhPod  #Islam  #Quran  #Hadith  #Hope  #Prophet #Muhammad  #Sunnah  #Depression   #Sadness   #Loneliness 

Published by ShaykhPod

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