“And [recall] when We parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on.” Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 50.

Often when muslims receive blessings especially, beyond their need it distracts them from the hereafter and instead focuses their minds on this material world. So in this respect, the wisdom behind a difficulty is to refocus a muslim’s attention on what is truly important which is preparing for the hereafter. This is like a person who is so preoccupied with their phone that they cross a road without seeing an oncoming vehicle. Another person violently pulls them away from the oncoming car which causes them distress yet, saves their life.  Even though being pulled violently causes distress and even pain but it is only done in order to refocus their attention on the life threatening danger namely, the oncoming car. Similarly, a muslim faces emotional and physical difficulties in order to refocus their attention on more important things such as the hereafter. If a muslim was left to only face good times without difficulties there is no doubt that they would become lost in enjoying the excess of this material world. This neglect in the long run would be disastrous for them. So they face a small difficulty in order to protect them from a greater difficulty namely, the difficulties of the hereafter. Therefore, muslims should remember this truth every time they face a difficulty so that they leave the difficulty refocused on more important things and act correctly over this blessing instead of demonstrating impatience and heedlessness to this vital benefit. This is one of the biggest favours of Allah, the Exalted, which has been indicated in the story of the nation of the Holy Prophet Mosa, peace be upon him.

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 111: https://youtu.be/WWGp68NKlJc

PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah – Part 111: https://fb.watch/5C6Wb99Op9/

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