I had a thought which I wanted to share. In reality, in most cases nothing in this material world in itself is good or bad, such as wealth. What makes a thing good or bad is the way it used. It is important to understand that the very purpose of everything which was created by Allah, the Exalted, was for it to be used correctly according to teachings of Islam. When something is not used correctly it in reality becomes useless. For example, wealth is useful in both worlds when it used correctly, such as being spent on the necessities of a person and their dependents. But it can become useless and even a curse for its bearer if it is not used correctly, such as being hoarded or spent on sinful things. Simply hoarding wealth causes wealth to lose value and its potential benefit. How can paper and metal coins one tucks away be useful? In this respect, there is no difference between a blank piece of paper and a note of money. It is only useful when it used correctly.

So if a muslim desires all their worldly possessions to become a blessing for them in both worlds all they have to do is use it correctly according to the teachings found in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. But if they use them incorrectly then the same blessing will become a burden and curse for them in both worlds. It is as simple as that.

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Published by ShaykhPod

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