The next great event which will be discussed in this blog series is the steadfast attitude of the Holy Prophet Yaqoob, peace be upon him. Chapter 12 Yusuf, verse 18:

“And they brought upon his shirt false blood.1 [Jacob] said, “Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. And Allah is the one sought for help against that which you describe.””

The first thing to note is that it is clear from this verse that the Holy Prophet Yaqoob, peace be upon him, knew that his sons had harmed their brother the Holy Prophet Yusuf, peace be upon him, yet, he did not expose their behavior and instead chose to conceal it hoping they would eventually sincerely repent. From this a muslim should understand the importance of concealing the faults of others. A Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 225, advises that Allah, the Exalted, will conceal the faults of a person in this world and in the hereafter when they conceal the faults of others. Another Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 2546, warns that whoever exposes the faults of others will have their faults exposed.

In addition, concealing the faults of others especially when the sinner is aware their fault has been concealed increases the chances they will sincerely repent from their sin. On the other hand, publically shaming a sinner, in most cases, will only cause one to move further away from sincere repentance. In fact, anger may well drive them to take revenge on the one who exposed their fault, which only leads to further sins.

The importance of remaining patient is also highlighted in this verse. It is important to note, that true patience is not when one eventually with the passing of time accepts that something they dislike has occurred, such as the death of a beloved. This is not true patience it is only acceptance which occurs to even the most impatient of people. True patience is shown by this verse and indicated in a Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, found in Sahih Bukhari, number 1302. It advises that true patience is shown at the very beginning of a difficulty. This shows that the one who shows impatience at the beginning of a difficulty and then eventually accepts it is not truly patient. Finally, this verse indicates the importance of understanding that no good, such as being patient, can occur without the mercy of Allah, the Exalted. As the knowledge, inspiration, strength and opportunity to do a good deed, such as showing patience, comes from Allah, the Exalted. Remembering this prevents one from adopting the deadly evil trait of pride.



PodEvent: Patience of Prophet Yaqoob PBUH: https://youtu.be/2VYqhtzoFb8

PodEvent: Patience of Prophet Yaqoob PBUH: https://fb.watch/4RqG3w0Rzt/

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