In a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 250, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised some easy righteous deeds to perform.

The first is righteous deed is to help someone in their specific trade according to their means. For example, a muslim can support someone in their profession by paying for their further education or fees which must be given so that they can practice their profession. Helping in this way is in fact a great way of supporting an entire family. As helping a person who earns to support their family is indirectly supporting the family even though it is far cheaper than actually supporting the entire family.

The next thing mentioned in the main Hadith under discussion is that a muslim should help someone who does not have a profession. This can include advising them on the best thing to do in order to obtain lawful wealth, paying for their education, or encouraging business owners to hire them. This includes anything which aids this type of person to obtain lawful provision so that they can fulfill their needs and the needs of their dependents.

The final thing mentioned in the main Hadith under discussion which all muslims are capable of doing is keeping their harm away from others as this an act of charity to oneself as it saves one from punishment. In fact, keeping one’s verbal and physical harm away from the self and possessions of others is the very definition of a true muslim and believer. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan An Nasai, number 4998. It includes treating others in the same way one desires others to treat them. Simply put, the one who leaves others in peace will be granted peace and reward.  The muslim who adds to this by benefiting others according to their means even if it is only a good word of encouragement will  gain reward on top of reward which only leads to success in both worlds.



PodHadith: Avenues of Good: https://youtu.be/VpvS_immFoA

PodHadith: Avenues of Good: https://fb.watch/6pH8pJp0mV/

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