A muslim can only achieve piety when they believe they are not better than others. This is important to understand as one does not know the ultimate end for themself or others. Plenty of people who appeared evil became good muslims and plenty of muslims who appeared good will be admitted into Hell on Judgement Day. An example of this is mentioned in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 4923. It describes three people who will go to Hell because of their bad intention even though they appeared to be great muslims, namely a scholar, a charitable person and a martyr. Humility is an important and obvious characteristic all should adopt as anything good one possesses has been granted to them by none other than Allah, the Exalted. So how can one be proud of a thing which is created and innately belongs to another? The source of humility, as well as other good characteristics, is not being satisfied with oneself whereas, the root of pride and many other evil traits is being content with oneself. When one is satisfied with themself they become blind to their faults and only observe perfection within themself. This person will always believe they are good enough therefore, do not need to change for the better as they have already achieved noble character. Whereas, the one who is unsatisfied with themself will find it easy to observe their negative faults, which will allow them to root them out until they achieve noble character. This person remains humble even if they achieve their goal as they truly understand that Allah, the Exalted, granted them the knowledge, inspiration, strength and opportunity to fulfil their goal. When one becomes this self-alert it aids them in controlling their desires thereby preventing sins. This muslim will consistently perform righteous deeds and avoid sins. This is true obedience and servanthood to Allah, the Exalted, which is a result of one being unsatisfied with themself.

Even though this method is useful in detecting one’s negative characteristics there are others. All of which aid one towards adopting piety. A muslim  can become the student of an experienced and knowledgeable scholar who can aid them in finding their flaws and teach them how to remove them under the  guidance of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

A muslim should ensure they possess good friends as one is judged by the company they keep. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4833. A good friend will also help a muslim to abandon bad traits and adopt good characteristics.

It is important for muslims to accept constructive criticism from others. It may indicate pride for those who do not. Useful criticism is excellent in aiding one to find their faults in order to remove them.

Finally, it is important to be aware of the behaviour of others and the impact it has on soceity. Meaning, if someone’s behaviour upsets people then most likely it is a bad characteristic which should avoided. And if a person’s behaviour pleases people then most likely it is a good characteristic which muslims should adopt. This keen perception is an important tool for those who seek knowledge.



PodSeries: What is Piety – Part 3: https://youtu.be/FniUOZ79HIY

PodSeries: What is Piety – Part 3: https://fb.watch/3O7FpXc-CE/

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