In a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1979, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised that maintaining the ties of kinship leads to an increase in wealth and life.

It is a duty on muslims to maintain the ties of kinship as severing them is a major sin. The one who severs ties of kinship for worldly reasons will be cut off from the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, according to a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 6518. In fact, this is such a serious sin that a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1909, warns that a person who severs ties of kinship over worldly reasons will not enter Paradise. A muslim must command good and forbid evil and in cases where a relative fails to repent from their sins a muslim should not sever ties with them. They should instead continue aiding them in beneficial things as this act of kindness may inspire them to sincerely repent.

An increase in wealth could mean that Allah, the Exalted, provides them with more financial opportunities which causes an increase in their lawful wealth. More importantly, it could mean that Allah, the Exalted, blesses a muslim’s wealth with such grace that it fulfills their needs and the needs of their dependents and provides them with peace of mind and body which in reality is true wealth. The one who severs ties of kingship will lose out on this grace which will lead them to feeling unsatisfied irrespective of how much wealth they obtain. And it will always seem that their wealth is not enough to cover their needs and the needs of their dependents.

Increase in life refers to being granted grace in one’s time so that they manage to fulfill all their duties towards Allah, the Exalted, such as the obligatory prayers, and to people while still finding time to enjoy the lawful pleasures of this world without excessiveness, extravagance or waste. But the one who severs the ties of kinship will lose out on this grace and so no matter how little responsibilities they have it will never seem like they have enough time to fulfill them all and enjoy the lawful pleasures of this world. This will remove peace of mind and body from their life.



PodHadith: Blessings in Wealth and Life: https://youtu.be/OX-EaQznwzE

PodHadith: Blessings in Wealth and Life: https://fb.watch/5SbzfpKV_G/

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