The next great event which will be discussed is mentioned in chapter 28 Al Qasas, verse 24 of the Holy Quran:

“So he watered [their flocks] for them; then he went back to the shade…””

This great event indicates some important characteristics which muslims should adopt. The first is that a muslim should always take every opportunity to help others for the sake of Allah, the Exalted. They should not be little righteous deeds by believing Allah, the Exalted, only desires muslims to perform big righteous deeds. This negative attitude is a trick of the Devil which muslims must avoid. Every righteous deed is significant according to the teachings of Islam. For example, a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 2342, advises that Allah, the Exalted, will give a reward the size of a mountain to the one who donates even a single date fruit for His pleasure. There are many other Hadiths indicating the significance of small deeds. Even the Holy Quran has made it clear that every atom’s worth of good will be recorded and rewarded. Chapter 99 Az Zalzalah, verse 7:

“So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.”

Muslims should follow in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Mosa, peace be upon him, and help others according to their means. At the time he possessed nothing else to offer the women except his physical strength so he used it in order to help them instead of disregarding the deed believing it was a small and therefore insignificant deed.

In addition, this verse proves the significance of small good deeds as this deed led to him meeting and living with the Holy Prophet Shoaib, peace be upon him.

The other good characteristic indicated in this verse is sincerity. The Holy Prophet Mosa, peace be upon him, was in a desperate condition yet, did not desire or request payment from the women as he acted for the pleasure of Allah, the Exalted. Muslims should never desire or request payback for the favours they do to others as this proves their insincerity meaning, they did not act for the sake of Allah, the Exalted. Insincerity only wastes the reward one could have gained from Allah, the Exalted. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3154.



PodEvent: Prophet Mosa’s (PBUH) Sincerity: https://youtu.be/hGMmm2Hpgow

PodEvent: Prophet Mosa’s (PBUH) Sincerity: https://fb.watch/5kQ3mUIXkZ/

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