I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on different religious celebrations which occur throughout the year. It discussed whether it was acceptable for people from certain faiths to celebrate the religious days of other religions. There has been much debate and discussion whether this is lawful in Islam or not. This issue is connected to a Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, which is found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2518. It advises that a muslim should leave a thing which creates doubt in them and act on the things which create no doubt in them. The vast majority of muslims are aware of the obligatory duties and the majority of the unlawful things, such as drinking alcohol. So these things create no doubt within muslims therefore they should act accordingly meaning, fulfil the obligatory duties and abstain from unlawful things.

All other things which are not obligatory and create a doubt in society should therefore be avoided. Allah, the Exalted, will not question why someone did not perform a voluntary deed on Judgement Day. Instead He will question why they performed a voluntary deed. Therefore, leaving the voluntary action will have no consequences in the hereafter whereas performing a voluntary deed will namely, punishment, reward or forgiveness. It is important for muslims to act on this short but extremely important Hadith as it will solve and prevent many problems and debates. In fact, this is the advice given in another Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, which is found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1205. It advises that both the lawful and unlawful things in Islam have been made clear to mankind and all other matters of voluntary actions which create doubt should be left aside. This attitude will protect one’s religion and honour.

Unfortunately, some muslims are so caught up in arguing about these non-obligatory actions that it prevents them from addressing important issues. This distraction is one of the reasons why the general strength of the muslim nation has declined over time.



PodNews: Doubtful Things: https://youtu.be/3ZeshL_6IDw

PodNews: Doubtful Things: https://fb.watch/4dH5yg_RtE/

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