In a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4992, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, indicated that speaking about everything one hears to others is enough to make them sinful.

It is important to a note, one should firstly ensure they only listen to lawful  speech as actively participating in a conversation which involves sinful speech will negatively affect them in both worlds. A muslim should try to avoid conversations involving vain and useless speech as this often leads to sinful speech and is a waste of one’s precious time which will be a great regret for them on Judgment Day.

Secondly, they should ensure that they do not relate everything they hear to others as this can easily lead to backbiting and slandering which are major sins. It also often leads to fractured and broken relationships especially, amongst relatives. A muslim should only relate things they hear if they can avoid sins and if the information is beneficial to others. In addition, the information they pass on must be verified and authentic as conveying things which are not verified contradicts the command of the Holy Quran. A muslim who intends to benefit people may well harm them by acting in this manner. Chapter 49 Al Hujurat, verse 6:

“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.”

Just like a muslim would not like most of the things they discuss to be spread to others they should not treat what others say in this manner either.



PodHadith: Hearing and Speaking: https://youtu.be/lEV8V5XsfkU

PodHadith: Hearing and Speaking: https://fb.watch/v/2WkZMgJD5/

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