I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on discovering new things and experiences. Some muslims have adopted a mentality whereby they are always trying to discover different things and teachings in respect to Islam. They purposely seek lectures and knowledge which is supposedly new and different from what they have already experienced. Even though, this is not an evil characteristic it is an attitude which can lead to misguidance. This can occur when one fails to act on the knowledge they have already heard and studied yet, strive to experience new Islamic information and knowledge. Simply put, if a muslim has failed to understand and act on what they already know how can learning new things benefit them? Acting on what one has already listened to and studied is the very reason why the Holy Quran and the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, often repeat key pieces of information. For example, Allah, the Exalted, only needed to command muslims to establish their prayers once yet He has done it many times throughout the Holy Quran. The same way a student cannot progress to the next level or academic year without acting on the knowledge they have already studied a muslim will not be able to progress in the closeness of Allah, the Exalted, unless they act on the knowledge they already possess even if they search and listen to new things. Some foolishly seek knowledge connected to higher levels of piety without even acting on the basic principles of faith, such as refraining from lying and backbiting.

The Holy Quran has made it clear that revising important information one already possesses is beneficial and the correct attitude as this person is more likely to act on their knowledge then the one who only seeks new knowledge. In fact, this attitude benefits the believers. Therefore, if one does not obtain benefit from being reminded about things they already know then they must reassess their faith. Chapter 51 Adh Dhariyat, verse 55:

“And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.”



PodNews: Something New: https://youtu.be/XNvbSrXxV9E

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