I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on a large scale project and how things were not going according to the initial plan such as the cost of the project increasing dramatically. Muslims should understand that making long term worldly plans is not the wisest decision as these things very rarely work out as planned. One only needs to reflect on their own life and their own long term plans to recognize this truth. It is always best to plan on a short term basis as this is more achievable and does not result in such emotional or financial difficulties when things do not work out as planned. Whereas, failure in long term plans will lead to more serious emotional and financial difficulties.

In addition, long term plans always causes one’s mind to focus on this material world which distracts them from preparing for the hereafter. This attitude will only lead to difficulties in both worlds. But when one makes short term worldly plans it does not distract them from the bigger picture meaning, preparing for the hereafter.

A muslim must understand that they can plan as much as they want but ultimately only what Allah, the Exalted, has planned and decided will occur. So it is best to minimise this as much as possible and instead focus on fulfilling one’s necessities and responsibilities in this world and preparing for their journey to the hereafter. This is what the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, indicated in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 6416. He advised muslims to live in this material world as a stranger or traveller. Allah, the Exalted, will bless this behaviour so that the muslim finds peace and happiness in both worlds.



PodNews: Long Plans: https://youtu.be/XPDA3JqwvVQ

PodNews: Long Plans: https://fb.watch/5ziOVIeaWD/

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