I read a news article which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on the difficulty in balancing and fulfilling all of one’s worldly duties in the modern world and the stress associated with this. Muslims should understand that if they desire to avoid this common stress they should prioritise each task and responsibility correctly. This is only possible when one does this according to the teachings of Islam instead of their desires or the desires of others. Whenever one reorders the list of priorities advised in Islam it always leads to difficulties and stress. For example, when one strives excessively in the material world beyond their needs and necessities thereby neglecting their other responsibilities such as correctly raising their children it will lead them to nothing but stress from both what they acquired and from their misguided children. The one who does not prioritise their duties correctly is like the university student who prioritises having fun over preparing for their exams. This only leads them to obtaining a poor degree and a difficult job. Because of prioritising incorrectly they gave up an easy life through a good job for a few years of fun at university which leads to a difficult life in the long run.

Incorrectly prioritising affects every aspect of one’s life and it can lead to sins if one obeys people over Allah, the Exalted. Therefore, it is important for muslims to follow the priority set by Islam which begins with obeying Allah, the Exalted, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, above all others. This is only possible to obtain through seeking and acting on Islamic knowledge. Through this, a muslim will find the precious and rare gift of peace in this world and everlasting bliss in the hereafter.



PodNews: Prioritising Correctly Brings Peace: https://youtu.be/9vOG6mKiYpo

PodNews: Prioritising Correctly Brings Peace: https://fb.watch/5x-BOnU5vl/

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