The last blog was discussing the different types of speech a muslim must safeguard themself from.

The first evil of the tongue is speaking about things which do not concern a person. A person who adopts this attitude will be deprived of their precious time. Everything can be bought except more time. Wasting time will be a great regret for a person in the hereafter when they observe the reward of those who utilized their time correctly. Even though, some things uttered by a person who does not mind their business is not sinful it is obvious they have lost out on using their time in a more productive way. This is the reason why the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, declared in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3976, that a person cannot perfect their Islam until they stay away from things which do not concern them.

The definition of speaking about something that does not concern a person is if a person chose to remain silent from this type of speech they will not be sinful nor cause any harm by their silence.

In reality, a person should not even speak about things which concern them unless it is at an appropriate time and place and contradicting this advice only leads to trouble for the speaker and others. If this is the case for speaking about something which concerns someone what about speaking about something which does not concern them?

Asking questions about things which do not concern one is a common problem found in society today. People often enquire about these sort of things and force others who desire to keep things private to either lie, avoid answering directly through trickery or they ignore them which comes across rude. A muslim should be more considerate and only enquire about general things which do concern them.

Those who dedicate their speech to things which does not concern them will be deprived of speaking about things which does concern them. And those who truly direct their efforts on things which concern them will not find time to speak about things which does not concern them. The latter are the successful who utilized their tongue in the correct way.

If one truly reflected on all the arguments they have had they will realise the majority of them was caused by someone speaking about something which did not concern them. Imagine how many arguments could be avoided just by avoiding this attitude?



PodSeries: Speech – Part 2: https://youtu.be/I8ZOwHNUV0U

PodSeries: Speech – Part 2: https://fb.watch/v/apvmRl03u/

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