The last blog was discussing the different types of speech a muslim must safeguard themself from.

The second danger of the tongue is extra unnecessary speech. In most cases, this is not regarded a sin. But as mentioned in an earlier blog it will cause one to waste their precious time which will be regret for them in the hereafter. In addition, extra speech usually leads to sinful speech, such as backbiting. One should bear in mind that their speech is in fact a letter which they write to Allah, the Exalted. It would be humiliating for a person to fill this letter up with excess words which are of no benefit to them or others in this world or the next. In fact, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has advised in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 2408, that Allah, the Exalted, hates when people utter useless words. It is clear from many Hadiths that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, did not utter unnecessary words and showed a dislike for it. An example is recorded in a Hadith found in Imam Bukhari’s, Adab Al Mufrad, number 211. Therefore, it is the duty of a muslim to avoid this trait.

The third danger of the tongue is arguing with others. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has warned muslims not to dispute with others. This is advised in a Hadith found in Imam Bukhari’s, Adab Al Mufrad, number 394. In most cases, arguing and debating with others only causes enmity to grow between people. In fact, one very rarely accepts the truth through argumentation. It is important to understand, that there is a big difference between presenting the truth in a beautiful, kind and respectful manner and arguing with someone over it. This is why spreading the word of Islam should be left to those who have adopted the right characteristics. Arguing is disliked so much that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has promised, in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4800, a house in the outskirts of Paradise for the one who gives up arguing even when their opinion is correct. In fact, according to a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3253, a person only strays from right guidance when they adopt an argumentative attitude. Chapter 43 Az Zukhruf, verse 58:

“…They did not present it [i.e., the comparison] except for [mere] argument. But, [in fact], they are a people prone to dispute.”

Constantly arguing even if it’s over the truth can cause one to twist and misinterpret the evidence just to win a debate. This is evil as it not only misguides the doer but also those who are listening to the debate. A severe warning of the fire of Hell has been given in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 254, to those who seek knowledge in order to make others look foolish through argumentation and debates.

In most cases, arguing is unnecessary and leads to further problems for everyone. It is better to ignore someone who utters falsehood instead of arguing with them as their very motive is to incite an argument. Those who adopt this mentality only desire to show off their knowledge and superiority which leads to the evil trait of pride. As confirmed in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 265, a person with an atom’s weight of pride in their heart will not enter Paradise.

To conclude, the one who adopts an argumentative attitude will never find peace of mind as they will be constantly fuming over those who challenge their opinions. If a person desires peace they should give up arguing.



PodSeries: Speech – Part 3: https://youtu.be/8wmZZ3WV4xk

PodSeries: Speech – Part 3: https://fb.watch/v/5ezDrSUkJ/

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