I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on the emotional state of people who try to balance different aspects of their life, such as their work, personal and social life. One thing which can help a person to avoid stress associated with this is by adopting a balanced state of mind. This is when one tries to control their emotions in such a way that they do not allow themself to experience extreme emotional states as these often lead to stress and mental disorders. This has been indicated in chapter 57 Al Hadid, verse 23, of the Holy Quran:

In order that you not despair over what has eluded you and not exult [in pride] over what He has given you…”

Islam does not prohibit one from showing emotions as this is a part of being human. But it advises a balanced state of mind whereby one does not swing from one extreme emotion to another. Being sad in difficult situations is acceptable but one should not despair which is extreme sadness as this often leads to other mental disorders, such as depression. And being happy is acceptable but one should not become overly happy namely, exultant, as this can often lead to sins and regrets in both worlds. A muslim should strive to obtain a balanced state of mind by remembering the countless blessings they still possess in times of difficulty which prevents extreme sadness namely, despair. And in times of ease they should remember that they will be held accountable for the thing that pleases them and if they misuse it or fail to fulfil the duties linked to it they may face punishment over it. This will prevent one from becoming overly happy namely, exultant.

A balanced state of mind is always best which prevents the negative effects of extreme moods. This will take a muslim closer to true peace of mind and the obedience of Allah, the Exalted, which involves fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with a patience.



PodNews: Balanced Mental State: https://youtu.be/TZ9lnTGXiVc

PodNews: Balanced Mental State: https://fb.watch/6hWhzJ3BqO/

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