I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on interacting in a positive way with one’s colleagues at work in order to function as a team. It is important to understand that Islam does not demand muslims to completely get along with all people. As each person has been created differently and possesses different characteristics it is not possible to get along with everyone. Because of a difference of mentalities people will always disagree with others who possess a differently mentality. The only person who may be able to achieve this is a two-faced person who changes their behaviour and attitude depending on who they are with. But even this person will eventually be exposed by Allah, the Exalted. Just because a person does not get along with others it does not mean they dislike them. It only means they differ in their attitudes and behaviour. Just like a school child who is not friends with every child in their class. It does not mean they dislike those they are not friends with.

Therefore, a muslim should not become sad if they do not get along with everyone even their own relatives. But it is a duty on all muslims to treat all others with respect and fulfil the rights of each person even if they do not get along with them as this is an important characteristic of a muslim. This is what Islam commands and if one acts in this way with everyone then they will find their interactions with people peaceful and beneficial in both worlds.



PodNews: Getting Along with Others: https://youtu.be/FvHVCaJXaWk

PodNews: Getting Along with Others: https://fb.watch/6psIAiONeO/

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