The next great event which will be discussed in this blog series is old age. Chapter 30 Ar Rum, verse 54:

“Allah is the one who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after strength weakness and white hair…”

This is an event which every person who lives long enough will experience. It cannot be avoided. This verse and other teachings indicate the importance of making use of one’s youth more specifically, one’s physical and mental strength and the time they have been granted by Allah, the Exalted. Unfortunately, many muslims only appreciate these things after they lose them. This has been warned in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 6412. For example, muslims who reach old age often decide to inhabit the Mosques even though they do not possess the strength to make full use of the Mosque, such as learning and acting on the teachings of Islam. They often claim they are too old to learn and change for the better. And the major problem with this mentality is that as they dedicated decades of their life to obtaining the material world, even if they inhabit the Mosques during old age, their minds and hearts are still wondering in the material world as this is all they have ever known. This is quite evident to those who visit the Mosques regularly.

Islam does not teach one to abandon the material world during their youth but it advises muslims to prioritise the permanent hereafter over the temporary world. One should therefore, use their youth in the correct way by firstly preparing for the hereafter and then striving to achieve success in the material world also before they reach a time when they lose the blessings which accompany youth. Parents must put aside the typical attitude of pushing their children towards success in the world and delaying encouraging them to prepare for the hereafter. The child who becomes used to dedicating the majority of their efforts to the world will not magically change their attitude when they get older. This only leads to a great burden for the parents in both worlds. Unfortunately, many parents fail to understand this point.



PodEvent: Old Age: https://youtu.be/Suv-08652nE

PodEvent: Old Age: https://fb.watch/6FFv4iD_zQ/

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Published by ShaykhPod

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