I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on a celebrity and how they earned and spent their wealth. The Holy Quran has labelled those who are wasteful as the siblings of the Devil. Chapter 17 Al Isra, verse 27:

“Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has Satan been to his Lord ungrateful.”

The comparison has been made to the Devil for several reasons. First of all, the people who spend wealth excessively on unnecessary things often do so in haste without thinking things through meaning, an impulse spender. In fact, according to a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2012, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has warned that being hasty is from the Devil while thinking things through is from Allah, the Exalted. If a muslim truly pondered over what they desired to purchase they would not spend on unnecessary and extravagant things as this is not a sign of a true muslim.

In addition, when one spends on unnecessary and extravagant things especially, excessively they in most cases are only fuelling the companies who only make a profit by distracting people from right guidance, such as the entertainment industry, which is the Devil’s main and ultimate goal.

Spending wastefully always distracts one from preparing for the hereafter as this person dedicates much time to earning wealth, spending it wastefully and enjoying what they acquired. Distracting a muslim from preparing for the hereafter is another goal of the Devil.

Finally, the verse quoted earlier specifically mentions the ingratitude of the Devil. In reality, the one who spends wastefully on unnecessary things does so because they too are ungrateful over what they already possess. If they possessed true gratitude it would prevent them from acting in this manner. Islam does not prohibit one from spending on necessary things in fact, it encourages muslims to do so. And even spending on unnecessary things is acceptable if it is done occasionally and without extravagance as this is something which is disliked by Allah, the Exalted, and leads to wasting wealth. Chapter 6 Al An’am, verse 141:

“…And be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess.”



PodNews: Balanced Spending: https://youtu.be/_Qm6yohapyw

PodNews: Balanced Spending: https://fb.watch/6GZRri4Aw7/

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