I had a thought which I wanted to share. It is important to note that one should react correctly whenever their advice is not acted on. When the person seeking advice chooses an unlawful decision which contradicts the advice given to them the advisor should show dislike towards their choice as this is a branch of faith. In fact, disliking something for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, is an aspect of perfecting one’s faith according to a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4681. But even then they must stay within the limits of Islam when showing their dislike. If the choices are between two lawful options and their advice is not acted on then they should not become annoyed at the one seeking advice as they chose a lawful choice. They should instead respect their decision and not harbour any ill feelings for them nor outwardly show any signs of annoyance, such as telling them they told them so if their decision does not work out for them. People are not Angels they will make mistakes so it is best to be kind to others even if they reject their advice. One should instead hope for reward by fulfilling their duty from Allah, the Exalted, by giving good and sincere advice to another.

In addition, the one seeking advice should not ask for advice if they have already made their mind up before hand as this only opens the door for a potential argument if they seek someone’s advice only to reject it as it contradicts their pre-determined choice.



PodThought: Rejected Advice: https://youtu.be/DgWoKhFK0RE

PodThought: Rejected Advice: https://fb.watch/v/b9S2WU66S/

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