I had a thought which I wanted to share. According to an incident which has been recorded in Imam Asfahani’s, Hilyat Al Awliya, number 510, the great Companion Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, refused to give his daughter’s hand in marriage to a rich and powerful person. He advised that he only did this as he feared his daughter would get lost in the excess and luxuries of this world which would undoubtedly damage her faith.

It is strange how the majority of muslims have adopted the opposite mindset to this. And often seek rich and influential people in order to join ties with. They are often less concerned about the strength of their faith and therefore fail to connect with families for this reason which has been specifically advised in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 3635. Even though, a family should not marry in to a family which cannot financially support their relative but at the same time they should not set wealth and social status as their only benchmark for finding a suitable spouse for their relative. This incident shows the importance of always seeking good for others by considering faith in all situations and circumstances. Meaning, one should only get into situations when they firmly believe their faith will either strengthen through it or at least not become damaged because of it. If they suspect this may occur they should avoid it at all costs as all worldly things come and go but the strength of one’s faith is the thing that will define their ultimate and permanent destination in the hereafter therefore, it should always be protected.


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