In a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 6 4 1 2, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, warned that there are two blessings people often do not appreciate until they lose them namely, good health and free time.

Good health is a special blessing as it allows a person to take advantage of gaining other blessings related to the world and religion. One of the wisdoms behind minor illnesses is that they should inspire a muslim to be grateful for good health. True gratitude is when one uses the blessings they possess, in this case good health, in the correct way as prescribed by Islam. One should observe those who have lost their good health either through sickness or through ageing and therefore make use of the good health they possess by striving to gain success in lawful worldly matters as well as religious matters while giving priority to religion over the material world. For example, one should use their good health to journey to the Mosques in order to offer their prayer with congregation before a time comes when they desire to do this but do not possess the physical strength to do so. They should keep voluntary fasts especially, during the short days of winter before they lose their good health. The amazing thing about utilizing one’s health correctly is that when they eventually lose it Allah, the Exalted, will continue to grant them the same reward they used to receive when doing good deeds during their good health. This has been advised in a Hadith found in Imam Bukhari’s, Adab Al Mufrad, number 500. But those who live in heedlessness fail to utilise their good health and therefore receive no reward during their good health or when they fall sick.

One aspect of appreciating and showing true gratitude for good health is to help those who have lost their good health in whatever way possible such as emotional or financial help. It is important to regularly ponder over the sick as this will inspire one to use their good health correctly.

Finally, those who utilize their good health correctly will be supported by Allah, the Exalted, during their periods of sickness. Whereas, those who do not will not receive this support and will therefore become impatient when facing sickness, which will only lead to further trouble.

Everything in this material can be bought, even through illegal means, except time. Once it passes it does not return. Even though this reality is not denied by anyone irrespective of their faith yet, many muslims do not appreciate and make good use of the time they have been given. Many have adopted the mentality that they will prepare for the hereafter tomorrow. But as each day passes this tomorrow keeps getting delayed until, in many cases, this tomorrow never comes. And they only realise this tomorrow when it is too late meaning, at the time of their death. Those who are fortunate enough to reach this tomorrow during their lives may inhabit the Mosques when they reach elderly age but as they have dedicated so much time and energy to the material world their bodies might be in Mosques yet, their hearts and tongues are still engrossed in the material world. This is obvious to those who regularly attend Mosques. These muslims are unlikely to learn and act on Islamic teachings because of their elderly age and their worldly mentalities.

In addition, with the passing of time, in most cases, one’s responsibilities only increase such as marriage and raising children. So delaying preparing for the hereafter until one is supposedly freer is simply foolish. Islam does not teach muslims to abandon the world but it does encourage them to make correct use of their time by taking enough from the material world in order to fulfil their necessitates and responsibilities without extravagance or waste and then dedicating the rest of their efforts to preparing for the permanent hereafter. This is how one uses their time correctly. How many muslims can honestly say they dedicate the majority of their efforts to preparing for the hereafter over beautifying their temporal world?

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