I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on sponsoring animals. Firstly, it is important to note Islam teaches muslims the importance of treating all creatures kindly. For example, a Hadith found in Imam Bukhari’s, Adab Al Mufrad, number 378, mentions a man who was forgiven by Allah, the Exalted, because he fed a thirsty dog. This Hadith concludes by advising that being kind to all creatures’ leads to reward. None the less, one of the reasons why humanity across the globe is suffering is because many people have prioritised things incorrectly. For example, some are more concerned about the welfare of animals than humans. This is quite obvious when one observes the behaviour of some animal lovers. The majority of muslims have given striving for the temporal world priority over the permanent hereafter. This is obvious when one observes their typical daily routine. Even some of the muslims who try to please Allah, the Exalted, prioritise things incorrectly for example, they give preference to voluntary goods deeds over acting on the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

This shift in priorities only occurred when muslims stopped acting on the teachings of Islam and instead acted according to their own desires. The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, prioritised everything correctly thereby fulfilling the rights of everyone as they did not act according to their own desires. They instead acted according to the teachings and the list of priorities set by Islam. This is evident to anyone who has studied their lives.

Humanity as a whole and especially muslims will only find real success and progression in both worlds when they prioritise things correctly. This is only possible when one acts according to the teachings of Islam. Reordering this list of priorities will only lead to problems for humanity which is quite obvious when one turns the pages of history.

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