The next characteristic of the true servants of the Most Merciful is mentioned in chapter 25 Al Furqan, verse 73:

“And those who, when reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind.”

This verse indicates that the true servants of the Most Merciful prove their servant hood through actions not just words by listening, understanding and acting on the teachings of Islam. Many muslims recite the Holy Quran yet, feel disconnected from Allah, the Exalted. This is because they only fulfil the first aspect of the Holy Quran, which is reciting it. In most cases, these muslims do not understand the Arabic language so how can the Holy Quran affect their behaviour? In reality, these people act as if they are deaf and blind to the Holy Quran as they do not bother fulfilling the other and more important aspects of  the Holy Quran. The second aspect is to understand it which can be done by studying its authentic and approved interpretations. The final aspect of the Holy Quran is acting on its teachings. It is simply not good enough to wrap it up in a nice clothe and place it on a high shelf in one’s home. The Holy Quran is book of guidance not a home ornament. How can one be guided by it if they do not fulfil all the aspects of it? This is what the true servants of the Most Merciful strive to do. It is clear from this verse that ignorance and true servant hood to Allah, the Exalted, cannot be found together in a single heart.

Servants of the Most Merciful Complete Free eBook: READ

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