I read a news article a while ago which I wanted to briefly discuss. It reported on a person who did not respect their national anthem which was labelled unpatriotic by some. In reality, a true patriot to Allah, the Exalted, and one’s nation is not standing during a national anthem or saluting a flag. A true patriot is the one who supports others, such as their government, in things which are beneficial and praiseworthy in respect to Islam irrespective of who is organising or responsible for it. And who constructively criticises others, such as their government, when they do something blame worthy in the sight of Islam irrespective of who orchestrated it. This criticism must be constructive within the limits of the law while avoiding all forms of vain or vulgar speech and actions. It should never lead to rebellion as this only leads to the harm of innocent people which history has clearly shown time and time again. It is important to note, that each muslim can behave in this manner even if they are not in a position of political or social influence. Each person can behave like a true patriot in respect to others, especially their relatives, by behaving in the manner outlined earlier meaning, supporting good and kindly forbidding evil according to teachings of Islam. Chapter 5 Al Ma’idah, verse 2:

“…And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression…”

If each family unit behaved in such a manner it would undoubtedly affect each town, city and eventually the nation until a true improvement occurs which in turn benefits all irrespective of their faith. This desire and supporting it with sincere actions to improve a nation in this way is true patriotism. Everything else is only a meaningless show. This is how one makes a country truly great again.

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