“And among them [people of the book] are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture [the Torah and Bible] except [indulging in] wishful thinking, but they are only assuming.”

Many Muslims who have adopted this type of ignorance will eventually reach a level where they live in wishful thinking in respect to Allah, the Exalted. For example, they will refuse to learn and act on the Holy Quran and instead assume as Allah, the Exalted, is All Forgiving and Merciful He will forgive them in the hereafter. Even though Allah, the Exalted, is All Forgiving and Merciful He has made it clear that Muslims must strive to learn and act on the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. So in reality, this mentality is not true hope in Allah, the Exalted, it is merely wishful thinking.

Even though there is no doubt that the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, is infinite and can overcome all sins. And giving up hope in the infinite mercy of Allah, the Exalted, is defined as unbelief in chapter 12 Yusuf, verse 87:

“…Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people.”  

Yet, none the less it is extremely important for Muslims to understand a fact. Namely, a Muslim has not been guaranteed to leave this world with their faith meaning, a Muslim is in danger of dying as a non-Muslim. This is the greatest loss. If this happens it does not take a scholar to conclude where this person will reside in the hereafter. This can occur when a Muslim abandons learning and acting on Islamic knowledge, persists on sins especially, major sins, such as drinking alcohol and fails to offer their obligatory prayers and reaches their end without sincerely repenting from their sins. This is the reason why Muslims must sincerely repent from all their sins and strive to fulfil all their obligatory duties as this is a task they can undoubtedly fulfil. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 286:

“Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity…”

They should not be fooled into believing they possess hope in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted. As true hope in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, is supported by obedience to Allah, the Exalted, through actions. This involves fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience. Failing to do this and then expecting the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, the Exalted, is not hope in His mercy it is merely wishful thinking which has no weight or significance. This has been clearly warned by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2459.

Al Fatihah to Baqarah V1-220 Complete Free eBook: READ

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