The next negative trait of the soul is when one becomes lazy and turns away from the voluntary righteous deeds they used to do. It is worse when a muslim is unconcerned with this behaviour. Greater than this is when a muslim is not even aware of their lazy behaviour because of their heedlessness. The worse is when one believes they are striving hard in the obedience of Allah, the Exalted, even though they have only become more lazy. This can occur when a muslim does not show gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, for granting them the knowledge, strength, inspiration and opportunity to perform righteous deeds. A lack of gratitude can cause the blessings to be taken away which leads to laziness. One must ensure they show gratitude by using the blessings given to them as prescribed by Allah, the Exalted, so that they are given further blessings which will prevent them from laziness. Chapter 14 Ibrahim, verse 7:

“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…”

Another negative trait of the soul is when one performs religious duties without finding joy in them. This does not mean a person does not feel any difficulty as some physical duties, such as fasting, can be difficult. It means, after completing the deed they do not feel happy at the fact they were given the strength to perform it. This can be caused by a lack of sincerity in one’s intention. Therefore, muslims must strive to not only perform righteous deeds but more importantly perform them with the correct intention namely, to please, Allah, the Exalted.

Another negative trait of the soul is when one expects salvation even though they do not behave obediently to Allah, the Exalted. This involves fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience. This is not hope in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, it is only wishful thinking. Real hope is when one uses the strength granted to them by Allah, the Exalted, to strive in His obedience and then hopes that Allah, the Exalted, accepts their efforts. Wishful thinking is when puts no or minimal effort into obeying Allah, the Exalted, and then hopes Allah, the Exalted, will save them. This is like the farmer who fails to plant seeds nor do they water their fields and still hopes they will obtain a great harvest.

Traits of the Soul Complete Free eBook: READ

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