Among the negative traits of the soul is that it does not prefer the truth when it contradicts its desires. This can become worse when a person pursues all their desires especially, the unlawful ones. A muslim should therefore pursue only lawful desires and try their best to avoid unnecessary desires as it can cause a them to fall in love with their desires. This love will prevent them from accepting the truth when it is presented to them if it contradicts their much loved desires. A muslim should always accept and act on the truth without paying any attention to their own opinion or feelings.

Another negative trait of the soul is that a person enjoys thinking about things which are not praiseworthy in Islam. This occurs when a person becomes heedless to the fact that Allah, the Exalted, observes their inner thoughts just as He observes their outward actions. Chapter 50 Qaf, verse 16:

“And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him…”

This mentality is dangerous as it encourage one to act on their thoughts which can lead to sins. In fact, the beginning of sin is the evil notion. If a muslim does not block it by disliking it it will become resistant. If a muslim does not resist it it becomes whispers. If these whispers are not controlled through discipline they will lead to action.

A muslim should adopt vigilance of the divine vision by constantly reminding themself of the all-encompassing gaze of Allah, the Exalted. They should occupy their time with performing righteous or lawful deeds.

Another negative trait of the soul is when one is so busy assessing the faults of others that they become heedless to their own faults. Those who expose the faults of others will find that Allah, the Exalted, exposes their faults and publically shames them. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 2546. Those who are heedless to their own faults should at least conceal the faults of others so that Allah, the Exalted, conceals their faults. More importantly, a muslim should reflect on their character and strive to eliminate negative traits through gaining Islamic knowledge and acting on it.

Traits of the Soul Complete Free eBook: READ

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