Another negative trait of the soul is being extremely greedy for worldly things. This causes one to dedicate too much effort in obtaining worldly things. This causes one to neglect preparing for the eternal hereafter. In addition, extreme greed often causes a person to obtain worldly things in an unlawful way. This attitude can make an affluent person poor because of their constant need. A muslim should therefore not enslave themself to worldly things when they should only be the slave of Allah, the Exalted. A person will only receive what was allocated to them over fifty thousand years before the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 6748. This allocation will not change irrespective of how greedy a person behaves. A muslim should therefore, strive to fulfil their necessities and responsibilities in this world according to the teachings of Islam without waste, extravagance and excessiveness and dedicate the rest of their efforts in preparing for the hereafter.

Another negative trait of the soul is only considering their own righteous deeds good while looking down on the efforts and righteous deeds of others. A muslim should understand that any good thing they possess or righteous deed they perform is only possible through the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, in the form of inspiration, knowledge, strength and opportunity to perform the righteous deed. Therefore, they should remain grateful to Allah, the Exalted, instead of looking down on the deeds of others as this mercy can easily be transferred to others. In addition, a person should bear in mind that the outcome of their life or the lives of others is unknown to them. Perhaps they will die while Allah, the Exalted, is angry with them and the one they look down at will depart this world while Allah, the Exalted, is pleased with them. Therefore, they should not take pride in anything they own or do and instead take refuge in Allah, the Exalted, from an evil end through sincere obedience to Him, which involves fulfilling the commands of Allah, the Exalted, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience.

Traits of the Soul Complete Free eBook: READ

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