Among the negative traits of the soul is when one advises others while neglecting to act on the teachings themself. In most cases, people like this only desire to obtain fame so they concentrate on this which causes them to neglect their own souls. It is important for muslims to sincerely strive to correct themselves by acting on their knowledge and then aid others through their advice.  In fact, acting on one’s advice will have a greater impact on the behaviour of others than merely advising them through words. This does not mean one must obtain perfection before advising others. It means they should sincerely try to act on their own advice then advise others.

Another negative trait of the soul is desiring and striving for excess comfort in this material world. This can cause one to neglect their obligatory duties and striving in preparing for the hereafter. A muslim should act on the Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 6416. It advises that a muslim should live in this world as a stranger or a traveller. The one who behaves in such a way will understand that this world is not their permanent home so they will not seek excess comfort in it. They will instead strive to provide comfort for themself in their permanent home namely, the hereafter. In fact, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, warned in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 7417, that the world is really a prison for the believer. How can a muslim then seek excess comfort in it? When one lives with the correct mentality they will find comfort in this world and prepare adequately for the next one also.

Among the negative traits of the soul is always fulfilling one’s desires. This is a dangerous mentality to have as it can easily take one from lawful to unlawful desires. It is therefore best for a muslim to limit the desires they fulfil even if they are lawful. It is best to stick with the necessary and lawful desires and occasionally enjoy other lawful desires in order to prevent one from straying off course.

Traits of the Soul Complete Free eBook: READ

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