Another negative trait of the soul is when one is content with their actions and words and do not strive to improve them. A muslim should never remain still and should instead strive to improve in both words and actions and in both worldly and religious matters. No one demands perfection but they should strive to better themselves, bit by bit, just like they strive to improve their worldly possessions and wealth.

The next negative trait of the soul is wasting time which includes being occupied in things which do not concern a person. A muslim should know that time is a precious gift which does not return once it passes. The greatest regret people will face at death and in the hereafter is not utilizing the time they were given in this world correctly. A muslim should therefore act on the far reaching Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3976. It advises that a person cannot make their Islam excellent until they avoid the things which do not concern them. This includes wasting time on pointless activities.

Among the negative traits of the soul is when one allows their anger to control them thereby, committing sins. A muslim should remember that acting and speaking in anger only leads to worldly regret and punishment in the hereafter. One should change body positions and make themselves more inactive in order to control their actions when angered, such as sitting down. This has been advised in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4782. In order to control their speech one should simply be silent until their anger passes from them. This has been advised in Imam Bukhari’s, Adab Al Mufrad, number 245. Words spoken in anger often cause more lasting damage than physical actions.

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