The last blog was discussing a great supplication of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, which is recorded in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3235.

The next aspect of this great supplication is for the forgiveness and mercy of Allah, the Exalted. These two elements contain all of which is good in both worlds. In fact, one cannot have their sins erased without forgiveness. And one cannot perform righteous deeds without the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, in the form of inspiration, knowledge, strength and the opportunity needed for doing a righteous deed. In the next world one cannot escape Hell without the forgiveness of Allah, the Exalted, nor can they enter Paradise without His mercy. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 5673.

The next aspect thing mentioned in this great supplication is seeking refuge in Allah, the Exalted, from trials and tribulations. A muslim should desire protection from trials especially those which can affect one’s faith even if this means desiring death. Departing from this world before being tested in one’s faith is a great blessing and the Hadiths seeking refuge from trials mainly indicate these types of trials. For example, a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3604, advises muslims to seek refuge with Allah, the Exalted, from the trials of life and death.

The trials of life indicate mainly those things which can affect one’s faith such as disbelief, evil innovations and persisting on sins. All of which can occur when one pursues the excess of this material world. In fact, a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2376, warns that the love for fame and wealth is more destructive to one’s faith than the destruction caused by two hungry wolves that are let free amongst a herd of sheep.

The trials of death include losing one’s faith at the time of death and the trials of the grave. In fact, the trial of the grave will be as difficult as the trial of Antichrist according to a Hadith found in Sunan An Nasai, number 2064. It is important to note, that according to the Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 4077, there is no trial a person will face in this world greater than the trial of the Antichrist.

Great Supplication Complete Free eBook: READ

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