The last blog was discussing the importance of good companionship within marriage. Specifically, it was discussing the importance of kind speech. 

Kind speech must be used when a married couple call each other. It is important they only refer to each other in a kind manner. Even though joking while sticking to the truth is not unlawful in Islam it is best for a married couple not to give each other bad nicknames. Even though the couple may see it is a joke but a time will certainly come when one of them is not in a joking mood and calling them this nickname at this time will only anger them. So it is best to always refer to each other in a kind way while maintaining modesty especially, in front of others.

Addressing each other in a sarcastic or mocking way only leads to enmity. With time this enmity may grow until it becomes a reason for arguments and even divorce. It is human nature to react to people in a similar way to how they are treated. If one shows kindness when speaking to others they will generally find that others refer to them in a kind manner also. This applies even more for married couples.

Kindness in speech should also be used when a married couple request something from one another. A husband should not request something in a commanding way so that his wife feels like she’s more of a servant than a wife. It is commonly witnessed that when one requests something in a kind manner not only is there a greater chance of obtaining it but the other person will be more happier to fulfil their need than if they requested something in a harsh and commanding way. The wife should also request things in a kind way without over burdening her husband or without being too demanding especially, when the thing is not a necessity. A wife will more likely get what she requests if she asks in a kind manner instead of belittling her husband and questioning his feelings towards her when he hesitates to fulfil her request right away.

Neither spouse should get angry and utter harsh words if their requests are not fulfilled. Sometimes a bit of time is needed before a person gives in to a request. They should never bring up the past cases where their request was not fulfilled. Nor should they claim that their spouse does not care about them. This only leads to arguments and will only put the spouse further away from what they requested.

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