The last blog was discussing the importance of good companionship within marriage. Specifically, it was discussing the importance of a married couple requesting things from each other in a kind way. It is important to note, in order to avoid arguments and strain on the marriage neither spouse should request too many unnecessary things from their spouse. This attitude can become burdensome as the husband may feel as if he is nothing more than a cash machine for his wife. And a wife may believe she is nothing more than a servant in her husband’s house.

In addition, it is important for both spouses to show appreciation to each other when requests are fulfilled. Even though, the source of blessings is Allah, the Exalted, alone none the less, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, as warned in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4811, that whoever is not grateful to people cannot be grateful to Allah, the Exalted. This is because even though the source of the blessing is Allah, the Exalted, alone yet, He has chosen a person as a medium to deliver the blessing. Therefore, thanking the medium is in fact an indirect way of thanking the source of the blessing. This is why ambassadors of kings are honoured. According to the Holy Quran when one is grateful to Allah, the Exalted, it causes them to receive more blessings. Chapter 14 Ibrahim, verse 7:

“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favour]…”

One of the ways Allah, the Exalted, provides more blessings to someone is when they show gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, and the person who delivered the blessing. So in the case of a married couple showing gratitude to each other will cause them to fulfil each other’s requests more leading to an increase of blessings.

It is important that each person appreciate the mood of their spouse before talking to them. Meaning, if they observe their spouse is tired, sick or in a bad mood it is important they choose their words even more wisely as speaking at the inappropriate time often leads to arguments. In situations like this giving each other a bit of space can have a huge positive effect on the marriage. One should not request unnecessary things from each other in these situations as it is less likely the spouse will have their request fulfilled and more likely the conversation will lead to an argument.

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