The last blog was discussing the importance of good companionship within marriage. Another aspect of kind treatment within a marriage is to avoid too much criticism in things which are not connected to obligatory or unlawful things. Too much criticism, even if it is constructive, can lead to enmity. A wise person understands that the majority of people especially, in this day and age, do not like to be constructively criticized. This habit will only lead to enmity between a married couple. Constructively criticizing once in a while is acceptable as it helps one another improve as muslims but it should not be overdone. It must be done in a kind manner and at the appropriate time. Saying the right thing at the inappropriate time can lead to further problems. The only time one should be firm is with respect to the obligatory duties. But even then they should not stray away from the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace and blessings be upon him, and maintain kindness while addressing these issues.

Part of living in kindness is understanding that marriage is about sacrifice and compromising. A spouse cannot expect to get what they desire all the time. Marriage is a relationship of giving and taking. In most cases, the more one gives up and sacrifices for their spouse the more they will appreciate and in return sacrifice for them.

Even when one’s spouse demonstrates bad manners a muslim should not reply in kind as this is not a sign of a true muslim. Instead, they should fear Allah, the Exalted, and the consequences of bad manners and demonstrate good manners to their spouse. This will only elevate their status in this world and the next. And even the worse of people will eventually appreciate this reaction from someone even if they do not show it. A muslim should remember Allah, the Exalted, is watching them and will reward them in both worlds. When a muslim treats their spouse kindly for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, then their reward is with Him. They should not seek compensation from their spouse. If one desires reward from Allah, the Exalted, they should act for His sake and only seek reward from Him not others. This is an extremely important point many overlook. They treat their spouse kindly expecting payment from them when they should act for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, as He has commanded them to treat their spouse kindly. Whoever seeks reward from people will be told to gain reward from them on Judgment Day which will not be possible. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 3154.

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