The last blog was discussing some of the ways which can help one deal with the loss of a loved one.

Another thing which can help is to perform the deeds which have been reported to benefit the deceased. According to a Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 2770, giving charity on behalf of the deceased benefits them. As mentioned in an earlier blog a child seeking forgiveness for their deceased parent will benefit them. And when this is done sincerely it provides much relief for the child also. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan An Nasai, number 3681. Any act of charity which benefits others done on behalf of the deceased will benefit them. So a muslim should strive to perform these deeds irrespective of their size. One should never consider any deed too small as the deceased will most certainly appreciate deeds of any size.

Finally, a thing which can benefit a person experiencing the loss of a loved one is reflecting on their own mortality. This might not be a pleasant task but it will undoubtedly benefit them in both worlds as the key to changing one’s character for the better is self-reflection. In most cases, muslims do not understand the Arabic language so performing righteous deeds associated with it, such as reciting the Holy Quran, in most cases, have a little effect in changing one for the better. It is important to take a lesson from the death of others so that one can correctly prepare for their own death. One should remember that the same way their beloved departed this world alone so will they. A person’s family and wealth will leave them at their grave while only their deeds remain with them. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 7424.

One should reflect now before they reach a time when reflecting on their deeds will not benefit them. Chapter 89 Al Fajr, verse 23:

“And brought [within view], that Day, is Hell – that Day, man will remember, but how [i.e., what good] to him will be the remembrance?”

Losing a Loved One Complete Free eBook: READ

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