Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – Part 24

Foolish Requests –

In order to put people off from accepting Islam the non-Muslims of Mecca came up with foolish requests, some of which have been recorded in the Holy Quran, such as requesting an Angel to openly appear in front of them and verify that he was the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, of Allah, the Exalted. This has been discussed in Imam Ibn Kathir’s, the Life of the Prophet, Volume 1, Pages 348-349. Chapter 15 Al Hijr, verse 7:

“Why do you not bring us the angels, if you should be among the truthful?””

Belief in the unseen is a core element of faith and without it faith loses its value. If the things which are unseen, such as Angels, were made apparent to people in this world then it would diminish the quality of their faith.

The unseen are things which cannot be perceived through the five senses in this world for example, Hell. They must be accepted as true the knowledge of which was brought and confirmed by the Holy Prophets, peace be upon them. This is another indication that right guidance is not possible without following the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, as the knowledge regarding the unseen, such as the existence of Hell, can only be delivered by the Holy Prophets, peace be upon them. The unseen must stay hidden in this life. If they are revealed then the concept of faith becomes meaningless as faith involves belief in something which is beyond the perception of the five senses.

The Muslim who truly believes in the unseen, such as Paradise, even though they have not witnessed it should also firmly believe that everything which occurs in their life, whether it is pleasing to them or not, occurs for a good reason even if that reason is unseen to them. So the same way one firmly believes in these unseen things they should believe in the wise choices of Allah, the Exalted, which are also unseen. This will encourage them towards patience and lead them to an uncountable reward. Chapter 39 Az Zumar, verse 10:

“…the patient will be given their reward without account [i.e., limit].”

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