Spreading Islam – Part 10

Address Relevant Issues, Trustworthy & Systematic Approach –

Unfortunately, some of those who spread the word of Islam have become heedless. They dedicate most of their time debating over small issues which are not even connected to the obligatory duties or to the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Instead of addressing the 21st century issues muslims are now facing they discuss obscure and irrelevant issues so that they appear unique. Their teachings encourage uneducated muslims to argue over these issues convincing them this is the path to salvation.

In order to correctly spread the word of Islam one must be trustworthy. The Holy Quran specifically mentions how the Holy Prophets, peace be upon them all, declared that they were trustworthy and only desired the benefit of others. For example, Chapter 26 Ash Shu’ara, verses 161-162:

“When their brother Lot said to them, “Will you not fear Allah? Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.”

As mentioned earlier in a previous chapter when the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, announced Prophethood the people all agreed that he was trustworthy even though many went back on their own words and denied him. This is mentioned in Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume 10, Pages 622-623.

In the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted, advises the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to begin spreading the word of Islam from his relatives. This is another important aspect of spreading the word of Islam. One should always begin with relatives and then move forward to the other members of society. Due to a person’s close bonds and familiarity with their relatives advising them will have more of an affect than advising strangers. In fact, if each person concentrated on their own relatives advising non relatives would only be required on a few occasions. Chapter 26 Ash Shu’ara, verse 214:

And warn, [O Muhammad], your closest kindred.”

After this step the Holy Quran advises one to spread the word of Islam within their local society. Chapter 42 Ash Shuraa, verse 7:

And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Quran that you may warn the Mother of Cities [i.e., Mecca] and those around it…”

The final step is to invite mankind on a national level towards Islam. Chapter 34 Saba, verse 28:

And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner…”

Allah, the Exalted, commanded the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to adopt this gradual process so therefore, each muslim who undertakes this task should also adopt this method.

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