AudioBook – Raising Pious Children

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind When the parents raise their children in the correct way their goodness will extend to their parents, society and all of humanity. However, if this important duty is not fulfilled correctly then a person’s children will adopt bad character and therefore become a curse for their parentsContinue reading “AudioBook – Raising Pious Children”

AudioBook – Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Free AudioBook – Seperated into Parts and Chapters for ease of listening: LISTEN Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Complete Free eBook: READ Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind “Nothing is placed on the Scales Heavier than Good Character” Hadith – Tirmidhi, 2003 Anonymously Follow WhatsApp Channel for Daily Blogs, eBooks, Pics andContinue reading “AudioBook – Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”

AudioBook – Key to Paradise

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind The following is a short AudioBook that discusses the true meaning of the testimony of faith namely, that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the Exalted, and that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the servant and final messenger ofContinue reading “AudioBook – Key to Paradise”

AudioBook – Beautiful Names of Allah (SWT)

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind In order for one to adopt noble character they must learn the blessed divine attributes and names of Allah, the Exalted, so that they can adopt each attribute into their character according to their status. For example, Allah, the Exalted, is All Forgiving according to His infiniteContinue reading “AudioBook – Beautiful Names of Allah (SWT)”

AudioBook – Aspects of Truthfulness

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind The following is an AudioBook discussing the different branches of Truthfulness. In reality, without this key characteristic it is not possible to Achieve Noble Character. Introduction Truthfulness in Sincerity Truthfulness in Patience Truthfulness in Repentance Truthfulness in Self-Control & Self-Knowledge Truthfulness in Opposing the Devil Truthfulness inContinue reading “AudioBook – Aspects of Truthfulness”

AudioBook – Divine Support

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind In this day and age many muslims struggle to find emotional support in their daily lives. Islam teaches muslims to seek aid and support from Allah, the Exalted, through His sincere obedience. This is the only way to Achieve Noble Character and obtain true and lasting supportContinue reading “AudioBook – Divine Support”

AudioBook – Benefits of Tests & Trials

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind The following AudioBook discusses some of the Benefits and Wisdoms of the Tests and Trials people encounter during their lives in order to adopt an important aspect of Noble Character namely, Patience. Introduction Benefits of Tests & Trials Benefits of Tests & Trials Complete Free eBook: READContinue reading “AudioBook – Benefits of Tests & Trials”

AudioBook – Qualities of a Spouse

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind The following short book discusses some important qualities found in a good spouse. Muslims must strive to adopt these qualities and search for a spouse who possesses them if they desire a successful marriage. This discussion is based on Chapter 66 At Tahrim, Verse 5 of theContinue reading “AudioBook – Qualities of a Spouse”

AudioBook – Prophetic Character

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind This Audio book will directly mention the noble characteristics of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, so that muslims can strive to adopt them as adopting his noble character is not possible without knowing them. Introduction Prophetic Character Prophetic Character Complete Free eBook:Continue reading “AudioBook – Prophetic Character”

AudioBook – True Hope

Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind The following Audio Book will discuss an important aspect of Noble Character namely, Hope in Allah, the Exalted. Introduction True Hope True Hope Complete Free eBook: READ Anonymously Follow WhatsApp Channel for Daily Blogs, eBooks, Pics and Podcasts: FOLLOW Over 400 Free eBooks on Good Character: AudioBooks:Continue reading “AudioBook – True Hope”