Spreading Islam – Part 13

Useful Information – Unfortunately, some have abandoned warning mankind of the mistakes of the past nations and how they were destroyed as a result of them. Instead, they inflate the concept of wishful thinking in respect to the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, by telling stories about saints without teaching the audience how to followContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 13”

Spreading Islam – Part 12

Patience – Whenever one invites others towards Islam, commands good and forbids evil they will be challenging the heedless lifestyle of many others which will inspire them to resist the truth anyway they can. The major reason all the past nations rejected their Holy Prophets, peace be upon them, was due to this very reason.Continue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 12”

Spreading Islam – Part 11

Understand the Limits – The Holy Quran teaches mankind that certain people are so drowned in the material world no advice will penetrate their veiled hearts. The Holy Quran describes how this group of people possesses hearts harder than rocks. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 74: “Then your hearts became hardened after that, being likeContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 11”

Spreading Islam – Part 10

Address Relevant Issues, Trustworthy & Systematic Approach – Unfortunately, some of those who spread the word of Islam have become heedless. They dedicate most of their time debating over small issues which are not even connected to the obligatory duties or to the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.Continue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 10”

Spreading Islam – Part 9

Hope in Reward, Strong Evidence and Beautiful & Simple Presentation – One should never believe their efforts are only rewarded if others listen and act on their advice. This is false as Allah, the Exalted, rewards based on one’s intention and efforts not the outcome of an action. This is confirmed in a Hadith foundContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 9”

Spreading Islam – Part 8

Gentle Persistence – The one who desires to spread the word of Islam should strive to frequently remind others of good. People can become heedless quickly therefore, reminding them consistently is important. Chapter 28 Al Qasas, verse 51: “And We have [repeatedly] conveyed to them the word [i.e., the Qur’ān] that they might be reminded.”Continue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 8”

Spreading Islam – Part 7

Tolerant, Balance & Making Things Easy – Another key aspect of spreading the word of Islam is being approachable and tolerant to the behaviour of others. It is common sense to know that when things are explained gently those that desire to better themselves will accept it. Whereas, if anger and frustration are adopted peopleContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 7”

Spreading Islam – Part 6

Gentleness – The beauty of Islam is found in gentleness. This has been advised by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in many Hadiths such as the one found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3689. The Holy Quran even mentions that the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, constantlyContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 6”

Spreading Islam – Part 5

Respect – When discussing Islam with non-muslims one should always show respect and never result to insults. The only way people will understand the true peaceful message of Islam is if they observe the pleasant attitude of a muslim spreading the word of Islam. The evidence a muslim presents should be strong yet the languageContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 5”

Spreading Islam – Part 4

Sincerity – Those who desire to spread the word of Islam should never gain knowledge in order to defeat others in debates nor to make others feel unintelligent nor should one seek fame when fulfilling this duty. Otherwise, the knowledge that was meant to bring one closer to Allah, the Exalted, only causes them toContinue reading “Spreading Islam – Part 4”