PodThought: A Good Life

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. Muslims are often tricked into believing that even though learning and acting on the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, leads to Paradise in the hereafter, yet if they choose this path then they will beContinue reading “PodThought: A Good Life”

PodThought: A Fantasy World

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. One of the powerful weapons the Devil uses in order to misguide people is to beautify an element of this world in order to create a fantasy which looks appealing. Chapter 16 An Nahl, verse 63: “By Allāh, We did certainly send [messengers] to nations beforeContinue reading “PodThought: A Fantasy World”

PodThought: A Purposeful Life

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. It is widely accepted that when an invention fails to fulfil its primary goal of existence, then it is deemed a failure, even if it possesses many good characteristics. For example, a phone with many excellent features, such a high quality camera, will be deemed aContinue reading “PodThought: A Purposeful Life”

PodThought: Peace and Desires

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. Even though society, social media, fashion and culture urge people to seek peace of mind in fulfilling their desires, it is obvious, when one reflects on Islamic teachings and the mental health and state of those who try to obtain peace through fulfilling their desires, thatContinue reading “PodThought: Peace and Desires”

Captured Thoughts on Noble Character

Free eBook: READ Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind “Nothing is placed on the Scales Heavier than Good Character” Hadith – Tirmidhi, 2003 Anonymously Follow WhatsApp Channel for Daily Blogs, eBooks, Pics and Podcasts: FOLLOW Over 400 Free eBooks on Good Character: https://shaykhpod.com/books/ Daily Blogs: https://shaykhpod.com/blogs/ Pics: https://shaykhpod.com/pics/General Podcasts: https://shaykhpod.com/general-podcasts/PodWoman: https://shaykhpod.com/podwoman/PodKid: https://shaykhpod.com/podkid/Urdu Podcasts:Continue reading “Captured Thoughts on Noble Character”

PodThought: Who is Selfish

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. It is strange how many Muslims often label others as selfish even though they are the ones being selfish. According to them, being selfish is when one chooses their own happiness while contradicting the choice, opinion and happiness of someone else. This is not selfishness accordingContinue reading “PodThought: Who is Selfish”

PodThought: Losing Out

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. One of the main reasons why Muslims strive hard to obtain their worldly desires, at the cost of practically preparing for Judgement Day, is their fear of losing out on obtaining their desires in this world. This fear is an extremely powerful tool which the DevilContinue reading “PodThought: Losing Out”

PodThought: To Let Go or Not

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. Muslims often misunderstand the concept of letting things go and moving on with one’s life. They incorrectly apply and advise others with this attitude in every situation and case. This attitude is highly encouraged in Islam only under certain circumstances, which the Holy Quran and theContinue reading “PodThought: To Let Go or Not”

PodThought: What Will People Say

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. There is a powerful and misguiding mentality which has taken deep roots within the Muslim community, namely, being heavily influenced by the concept of “what will people say” about one’s actions and choices. This mentality is often clothed under the guise of righteousness so that MuslimsContinue reading “PodThought: What Will People Say”

PodThought: An Organised Life

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. One of the most fundamental aims of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is for people to achieve peace of body and mind in this world. Chapter 16 An Nahl, verse 97: “Whoever does righteousness,Continue reading “PodThought: An Organised Life”